Tax Simplification: Financial Solutions for Wealth Management Services

When wealth management companies simplify tax reporting with the right financial solutions, there are many benefits for their business. One of the most significant is providing a better service for their clients. Customer demands are increasing, and changing legislation makes it hard to keep on top of liability calculation and tracking. Gathering, analysing, and reconciling data puts extra pressure on staff and creates obstacles when advising on the most tax-efficient outcomes. There are even more hurdles with complex investment vehicles and areas like excess reportable income (ERI).

If you struggle to provide automated, efficient, and accurate reports, you need FSL’s trusted financial software and data products.

CGiX: the industry’s most accurate capital gains product

For decades, CGiX has been used for tax simplification by the biggest wealth management firms. This award-winning CGT software integrates with more than 30 proprietary and commercial front and back office systems. It also contains the most comprehensive set of tax rules and legislation since 1965. Suitable for any type of investor, the unique database is backed by the unrivalled expertise of our taxation team. The market-leading financial product lets you calculate capital gains and allowable losses with ease. While, the what-if module shows you how to minimise clients’ tax liabilities or maximise their benefits. If you’re looking for added support, our SaaS and Service Bureau models deliver flexible or fully-managed solutions.

ORF: a single trusted data source for offshore funds tax treatment

HMRC is clamping down on offshore funds tax avoidance. Investigations increased eight-fold between 2016/17 and 2019/20, and we expect this trend to continue. Despite the obligation to report these transactions, it’s difficult for wealth management firms to identify the funds and determine liabilities. FSL Offshore Reporting Funds (ORF) has the most comprehensive funds coverage in the market. Plus, it provides you with the specific data you need for total confidence in your reporting. The data is available in reference spreadsheet format, CSV and XML import files. And we do more than supply it. Our dedicated team will decode financial data, helping you to make the most informed decisions and reduce client risk.

ETHiX: a feature-rich solution for modern ESG investing

ESG investing is soaring. Clients want wealth managers who can advise on sustainable investment strategies based on ESG ratings and performance. But a lack of available or standardised ESG data has hindered things for too long. ETHiX enables you to provide independent assessment and in-depth analysis of client portfolios and ESG models using our extensive database. You can score a full portfolio, examine specific companies and funds, or rebalance investments according to preferred ESG criteria. In short, it closes the gap between what the client wants and what you can deliver. 

At FSL, we aim to simplify the complex world of taxes to enhance satisfaction all round. Contact us for further information about any of our financial solutions.